About Me
Kat, Host
Hi, I'm Kat, and I'm Just Another Latin Tutor.
I've been studying ancient Greek and Roman history, language, and literature for as long as I can remember, so I am thrilled to be able to share some of the things that I've learned on this podcast.
When I'm not writing, teaching, or answering emails I'm usually listening to an audiobook of some kind and doing various handicraft projects (current skills include: painting, drawing, sewing, pattern drafting, embroidery, cooking, leather-working, spinning, crocheting, and knitting).
Started Just Another Latin Tutor
MLitt Classics
ELA/Social Studies, & Latin Teaching Certification
BA Classics & Latin
Now, I get to talk about anything and everything having to do with Quintilian and language pedagogy. This podcast has been a huge dream of mine for a while, and I'm so glad to be able to jump into this text with you!
My graduate dissertation focused on cataloging Quintilian's literary influences referenced in the Institutio Oratoria and examining the reading culture of the Long Second Century. During the course of my study, I found a surprising amount of overlap between my training as a language teacher and Quintilian's statements on education, which is what led me to examine ancient pedagogical practices.
I started teaching Latin full-time, while also working on my teaching certification. As a part of my training, I learned about various types of evidence-based language teaching strategies across several grade levels. It was during this time that a colleague introduced me to Quintilian's work on ancient pedagogy.
During my undergraduate studies, I was fascinated with ancient Greek and Roman languages, history, and literature, particularly Greco-Roman mythology, and how it shaped/explained the Greco-Roman worldview.
Additional Certifications and Required Documents
​Texas Educator Certificate (2020-2025)
Teachers as Leaders- Mental Health Certification (1, 2, 3) (2020)
Teachers as Leaders - At-Risk Suicide Certificate (2020)
Equity- Regions 10 Online Training (2020)